Mark Zuckerberg eshte themeluesi i fb-ut. Ai morri cemimin “person of the year 2010” nga gazeta “times”
Ne u futem tek profili i tij ne fb dhe normalisht ai e kishte postuar dhe komenti qe kishte bere eshte:
“This is a real honor and it is recognition of how our little team is building something that hundreds of millions of people want to be a part of. I'm just happy to be a part of it too.”
Mark Zuckerberg deri momentin qe pam ne profilin e tij kishte rreth:31.397.556 njerez qe pelqejne profiling e tij, 46 komente dhe 236 likes tek postimi per cemimin dhe njerez qe i dergonin tek muri pergezime.
Kush deshirone te shoh profiling e tij linku eshte :
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